The narratives in the digital exhibit are comprised of many sources, primarily the oral histories collected herein. Context comes from the work of local historians including Dr. Betty Jones, Tawny Ryan Nelb, Kyle Bagnall, and Ned Brandt. Supporting documents came from the Midland County Historical Society's archives and the Midland Daily News. Other academic sources are cited within background documents.
In 2020, the combination of the murders of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and Ahmaud Arbery; quarantine; and the disparate effects of COVID-19 spurred a global racial reckoning on the ways that our country and the global economic system falls short of its ideals in the organization of our communities and in the treatment of those who are marginalized within them. Since 2012, another movement has grown in opposition to the undeniable economic, institutional, and social systems of oppression of Black and Indigenous People of Color. Indeed, this awakening has come to our own community in Midland, evidenced by the estimated 2,500 community members who came together at the Rally for Racial Justice on June 7, 2020. Our group, Anti-Racist Midland (ARM), emerged from that demonstration, national moment, and those that have come before us. ARM is made of young adults of the Midland area - alumni of Midland Public Schools and products of the community.
Our mission is to empower our neighbors to experience the full potential of the Greater Midland community.
To catalyze an equitable, informed, and engaged Greater Midland community where all people can prosper.
Our goal is for the Midland community to be on the forefront of the liberation of all Black and Brown people in the struggle against the global system of anti-blackness and white supremacist ideology that affects every community and individual. To achieve this, ARM recognizes that the values we adhere to as a group are the moral ground that embody our decision making.
We adhere to the following values in our work:
First and foremost we are in service to our community. We prioritize supporting and collaborating with our neighbors where possible to bring forth a shared vision of an inclusive and equitable environment. We also understand that bringing liberation for the most marginalized benefits the
entire community.
The foundation of our work is in lifelong education. It is the primary tool we have to fight the automatic, subconscious, and insidious ways that anti-blackness works in our community. ARM is committed to continuous self-education while we advocate for inclusive, accessible, and intentional education for all community members.
We recognize the role that various overlapping identities and experiences such as race, caste, gender, sex, class, and ability can compound systems of oppression. We believe that centering an intersectional approach is the only way to fully uproot the causes of social and racial marginalization.
Empathy is at the core of our work. Empathy is critical in dissolving the cognitive and emotional barriers between ourselves and others. When we engage ethically and responsibly, we can increase our resilience to shame while cultivating courage, compassion, and connection.
Community growth and healing cannot happen without accountability. This not only includes holding members of our community accountable for past harm, but holding ourselves and our stakeholders accountable to our values and goals as we advocate for inclusive solutions.
We promote procedural transparency for our organization and community stakeholders. We also believe that transparent communication, decision making, and values are key to maintaining peak personal and
community engagement.
Contact us
Anti-Racist Midland (ARM)
Midland County Historical Society
(989) 631-5930 Ext 1310
INTERESTED IN Adding your story?
Cultural Awareness Coalition
(989) 839-9661